The world’s worst hotel embraces its flaws

The world’s worst hotel embraces its flaws

The self-proclaimed ‘world’s worst hotel’, The Hans Brinker Budget Hotel Amsterdam, is trying to become the world’s most likeable hotel.

What makes them the worst you ask?

Don’t take out word for it, check out some of the online reviews which are sprinkled with horror stories about dirty sheets, bed bugs, and awful service.

The ‘pee-scented‘ hotel has prided itself on its horribleness for some time now, celebrating its bad points over more than a decade and a half.

By daring to be the worst, the Brinker reached maximum occupancy on a weekly basis.

Those who summoned the courage to step through its creaking doors were surprised to find the hotel not (quite) as bad as expected.

A reaction that helped reduce the Brinker’s complaints.

So how do you advertise for a hotel that thrives on being terrible?

By telling the truth of course.

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Advertising agency KesselsKramer helped reach a target group of backpackers distrustful of advertising by tapping into the trend of loveable imperfection and focusing on imperfections and personality to make the hotel stand out.

The campaign features a series of honest videos and posters that show the hotel as it is, grime and all.

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Hey, at least they’re honest.



Have you stayed in the world’s worst hotel? Let us know in the comments!


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