The Big Cheese with Andrew Hiebl

The Big Cheese with Andrew Hiebl

We chat to the executive director of AACB.

The great thing about my job is…

I work with a great group of people in convention bureaux across the country. Given that their primary functions are typically around bidding and marketing, they are naturally a creative and fun bunch.

Another is a sense of responsibility. In excess of 1600 industry operators from all sectors of the business events industry have a stakeholder relationship with one of our 15 member convention bureaux. When AACB lobbies Federal Government, it is a great feeling to know that we are acting to benefit such a broad and exciting industry.

The challenge for industry is…

Our biggest challenges are two-fold. As business events are considered part of the tourism industry, we are predominantly measured by standard tourism metrics such as number of delegates and economic contribution. Having said this, there are significant inconsistencies in methodology across Australia when it comes to calculating economic contribution, often leading to confusion, especially against under-valued Government statistics.

The second is the lack of recognition we have for the outcomes of meetings and exhibitions. Since we get put in the ‘sexier’ tourism and events bucket, the important contributions of collaboration, innovation, productivity, trade and investment are often overlooked and rarely reported on.

My greatest achievement is…

Being part of a team that took Geelong and the Great Ocean Road region to the Hall of Fame at both the Victorian Tourism Industry Awards and Meetings & Events Industry Awards for Business Tourism/ Convention Bureau.

The biggest thing in MICE this year will be…

AACB delivering a report with Deloitte Access Economics on Australia’s International Business Events Sector, and…

Australian Government support for key international business event bids through a new Austrade and Tourism Australia partnership.

I try to relax by…

Spending quality time with my family, from movies and popcorn on the couch to exploring the great outdoors.

I don’t understand why…

Mobile reception is still unreliable in much of regional Australia and WiFi is not a standard offering yet in hotels/venues, public spaces and on public transport.

Currently the album playing on my iPod is…

Chet Faker and Peking Duk

I can’t live without…


Android or iPhone…


I really wish I had…

A time machine.

If I could invite four people to a dinner party, they’d be…

Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull… awkward?

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The Big Cheese

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